  • By : admin
  • Nov 21, 2022

For many people, the idea of ​​cleaning windows seems as simple as possible. Believe it or not, the art of cleaning windows is a lot more complicated than if you wanted to do it right. I wouldn’t say the window is very clear because many people don’t take the time to learn how to do it right. Window cleaning is an important part of Commercial Building Cleaning on Sunshine Coast as it ensures that the windows and window frames are clean and free of dirt, grime, mould or other residues that may have accumulated over time.

 What Are The Mistakes To Avoid For Window Cleaning Services?

 Cleaning windows can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing, so it’s important to avoid common window-cleaning mistakes. Window Cleaning Services on Sunshine Coast prevents window deterioration and ensures a healthy indoor environment. However, some of the mistakes that one can avoid are:

  • Inappropriate Equipment:

    As with any job, much of the question of success comes down to tools. Window cleaning is no exception, as there are certain essentials that every window cleaner must have to do its job properly. Basic requirements include a bucket, window cleaner, a large sponge or mop, a wiper, a microfiber cloth and a scraper. Having this tool is important, but so is using it properly. Having the right tools and knowledge is key to getting better results but letting the professional Window Cleaning on Sunshine Coast do the work is highly beneficial.

  • Cleaning Oversized Areas:

    Another problem people have with window cleaning is ambition. In modern office buildings, they are very large, and large windows can be a challenge. However, this usually looks terrible because the soap literally dries on one edge before it can be applied to the entire window. While it may be tempting to process the entire window at once, you should mentally divide it into several sections. Each section should be resized but not so large that it begins to dry before the soap is wiped off again.

  • Wrong Scraping:

    No matter how hard you try, chances are good that there is something you can’t remove from the window. For example, clumps of mud, mud, chewing gum, and other items somehow stick to the window and get stuck there. These items can harden very quickly, creating a barrier that most cleaning products cannot penetrate. This is where the scraper comes in. A scraper is a hand tool with an edge containing a very sharp razor or other objects. Window Cleaning Services on Sunshine Coast scrub the window to remove dirt. The problem is that it’s easy to screw this up if you don’t know how to use scrapers properly. Misuse often results in scratched discs that cannot be repaired without installing the entire disc.

  • Not Aware Of The Weather:

    There are several weather factors that can contribute to the success of window cleaning. For example, soap dries better on hot sunny days than on cold days. It’s not that you shouldn’t clean your windows when the weather is nice outside, but keep in mind that you may need to keep the area of ​​the window you’re cleaning small at the same time to compensate for the drying power of the sun. Rain, snow, or any other form of precipitation will negate whatever cleaning is trying to accomplish, so window cleaning should be avoided when there is a threat of rain.

  • Safety:

    The final issue to discuss is safety, which is a major concern these days, given the number of skyscrapers. Unless you’re cleaning windows in a one-story building, you should worry about your safety when you’re in high places. Do not use rickety stools or broken ladders to reach high windows. Not worth it. If the building has more than two or three floors, it’s time to call in a professional Window Cleaning on Sunshine Coast with the training and equipment to reach high floors safely.

Window cleaning is a must for every homeowner. However, it’s easy to make mistakes that leave you unsatisfied with the results and waste your time and money. Avoid these common mistakes, and your windows will be sparkling clean. If you’re looking for help with your windows and want to learn more about how a professional Commercial Building Cleaning on Sunshine Coast can help, feel free to contact us. We can meet all your commercial cleaning needs!

Our professional window cleaners use mild, non-toxic solutions that are safe for your employees and friendly to the environment. Our window cleaning team uses appropriate tools such as ladders and squeegees with water regulated at different pressures, taking great care to avoid damaging the glass surface for the best results. Achieve. Get in touch with Exterior Clean Qld to see how we can help!