  • By : admin
  • Jul 18, 2023

With the increase in pollution in the air, window cleaning has become an increasingly difficult task. Busy homeowners, for whom window cleaning is time taking, are always in need of hacks that change their lives. With so many tips available on the internet, many individuals have benefited regarding window cleaning. However, if you want to avail the best results, get in touch with a reliable window cleaning in Sunshine Coast.

However, if you want to get some easy life-changing hacks for window cleaning, here are a few of the important points to consider:

1. Safety

Safety is an critical factor to consider while cleaning the windows. When you clean the windows, be gentle and careful. There are chances of breaking the window glasses that can cause accidents. In case there is an event of broken glass, you can take a piece of bread and use it to dab around the broken glass piece and pick them up safely. The ladders, too, can cause safety hazards, and you must anti-slip tape to avoid falling and tripping hazards.

2. Dusting

Clean and crystal-clear windows should be dust-free. Dust in the windows settles on the window corners as and when collected from the outdoor air. Dust is then introduced to the indoor air causing respiratory health ailments to people in the house. Regular dusting of the windows and occasionally professional dusting by window cleaning services in Sunshine Coast help to get improved and clean indoor air. The experts use smart tools like a keyboard cleaner to get into hard-to-reach places. They attach soft cleaning cloths to kitchen tongs. This helps to get a cleaning cloth to both sides of the window.

3.Window Cleaning Solvents

It is essential to get the right proportion of chemical or natural cleaners to get a clean window. There are many affordable cleaning solutions available in the market. You can also make an effective cleaning solution with homemade products. You can make a solution of vinegar and dish-washing solution that quickly removes the grime and dirt on the window. Vinegar is an antibacterial and non-toxic liquid that helps to get a clean window. You can even use black tea, which is full of tannic acid and works best as a substitute for vinegar. These items are easily available at home and are best for cleaning the glasses and mirrors of your house. Experts of window cleaning in the Sunshine Coast use eco-friendly cleaning solvents that are safe for the living environment and hence bring the best window cleaning.

4. Newspaper

Although print media is less popular now, still our house is a place where we can find some newspapers for sure. Newspapers help to get clean and smudge-free glasses. Newspapers, made from recycled paper, put less stress on the environment and are an excellent product for cleaning the window. Remember to use gloves while using the newspaper to do the job.

5. Squeegees

Squeegees are fun to use. It satisfactorily cleans the window screen and even other parts of the house. Squeegees help to remove excess water with the help of its thin, rubber side. When you use the squeegee correctly, probably wiping down, you experience fewer streaks and smudging.

6. Final Touch

The last task left in window cleaning is detailing. Use simple tools like a toothbrush, an old rag, rubbing alcohol, etc., to remove the leftover spots to get a sparkling clean window.

Call Professionals For Annual Window Cleaning

Top-notch companies like Exterior Clean Qld offer exclusive window cleaning services. The expert cleaning service makes the work easy and helps to free up your weekend from the toils of window cleaning. Get professional window cleaning Sunshine Coast at least thrice a year to enjoy a good quality window forever.