  • By : admin
  • Sep 23, 2022

Window cleaning is a task that is often ignored by most home owners. Since there isn’t much activity with it, they think that cleaning it inst as necessary. Windows, during the winters, tend to invite dirt and moisture together while allowing the growth of mould. In general, windows have a surface where dirt and dust stick, and unless cleaned it starts to blur the view.

Whether you prefer a DIY window cleaning or hire professionals with window cleaning services in Sunshine Coast to clean them for you, there are several dos and don’ts associated. Since windows are vulnerable yet protect you from the outdoors, they need special care for them to stay intact and last long.

Avoid Using Newspapers To Clean

Some believe that newspapers are the best when it comes to cleaning the windows and making them spotless. Well, newspapers do clean up and leave no residue of lint but end up leaving ink spots on the glass panes. The experts for window cleaning in Sunshine Coast also agree that there are chemicals used to print the newspapers that get transferred to the window. The cleaning solution and the ink mix and leave behind black spots that aren’t great to look at.

Avoid Cleaning Windows On A Hot Day

This is especially when the sun is falling directly on the panes and you have plans on cleaning them. When you spray the solution on the windows, it will evaporate soon leaving a residue that gets difficult to clean later. Wait for the sun to go away or clean it on a day when there is an overcast. A sunny day will increase the glare which will not allow you to see intricate areas that need an extra bit of cleaning.

Always Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

When you are spraying solutions on the glass to clean it, a portion of it mixes with the indoor air. Chemical-based cleaning solutions can be harmful to those in the house. Breathing VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) can lead to serious health issues like allergies, headaches, breathing troubles, etc.  Therefore, before you pick a cleaning solution from the store, no matter how alluring the statements look always pick the ones that have natural substances added.

Use Microfiber Cloth

While you may think that paper towels are the next best alternative to newspapers, they too leave behind residue on the glass when mixed with cleaning solutions. The best thing is to use microfiber cloths that are smooth and there are no chances of scratching or smearing on the glass surface. Use one for cleaning the surface and the other to wipe the surface. Professionals for residential and commercial building cleaning in Sunshine Coast suggest that both of these together give you clean and squeaky glass panes.

While you may know well about cleaning glass windows, allowing experts with window cleaning services in  Sunshine Coast to assist you makes things even better. They are the ones who will come over regularly and help you with spotless windows each time. They are equipped with the best quality cleaning materials and solutions that assure the best cleaning.