  • By : admin
  • Dec 12, 2022

Solar energy has many advantages. Not only do consumers and businesses receive tax breaks and lower energy bills, but well-maintained systems also produce energy without excessive emissions and waste. In fact, many governments are pushing to integrate it into their existing grids as the solar energy is clean and easy to use and homeowners are usually excited to see how much money they can save. Questions are now being asked about the impact of dust, dirt and debris on the efficiency of solar panels and thus increasing the need for Solar Panel Cleaning in Sunshine Coast.

Why Is Solar Panel Cleaning Necessary?

As consumers and businesses increasingly utilize photovoltaic grids, the impact of environmental particles on the efficiency of panel installations needs to be given equal attention. Having a measurable matrix is ​​useful, but it is equally important to understand the factors that contribute to the decline/increase in solar power generation.

  • Environmental Conditions: Location is very important to the durability and efficiency of the power grid. For example, emissions-emitting factories, roads, and facilities near major cities, beaches, and/or tourist areas need cleaning. Studies have also shown that efficiency drops significantly at certain times of the year and in uninhabitable ecosystems.
  • Existing Pollution: Regardless of where it is installed, each module is exposed to existing environmental contaminants, not only reducing energy input and output.
  1. Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide
  2. Carbon Dioxide
  3. Sulphur (Dioxide and Trioxide)
  4. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
  5. Hydrocarbons
  6. Chlorine

If not properly managed, the integrity of the installation can be severely compromised. Increase. Knowing and understanding the factors that contribute to solar energy reduction can prevent these factors from becoming a more costly problem. Before trying to fix the problem yourself, it’s also important to learn how to properly clean and care for your panels or get a Solar Panel Cleaning in Sunshine Coast.

What Are the Basic Solar Panel Cleaning and Maintenance Techniques?

Hiring a team of solar energy experts to clean a dirty solar panel with the right tools and a little knowledge is almost always the best practice. An idea, but even an average person can do it themselves first. First, you need to check the current status of your PV system. If there are efficiency issues, are they limited to panel sites? Or could something else be causing the problem? Experts can help you understand how to optimize your power grid to maximize energy intake and output. So don’t be afraid to ask questions.

If you absolutely must clean your solar panels without professional Solar Panel Cleaning, follow these five important steps to avoid personal injury or property damage.

  • Check with the device manufacturer to verify that no special maintenance protocols are required. Failure to do this part of the process may void your warranty, so be careful.
  • Solar panels can get very hot in the sun, so plan your maintenance sessions in the early morning, at dusk, or if possible, on a cloudy day.
  • Try hosing loose dirt, dust and debris on the first layer using a standard garden hose.
  • Use non-abrasive soap in warm water and a soft sponge to loosen stubborn deposits and prevent surface scratches.
  • Thoroughly rinse off soap residue (a squeegee works well) before allowing the panel to air dry.

Take extra care when climbing to reach the installation of high-hanging panels. Use heavy-duty equipment and consult your colleagues. This is exactly why hiring a professional is usually recommended. Solar Panel cleaning professionals follow strict safety guidelines beyond those recommended here.

In any case, remember that clean systems give off more energy than dirty systems and last much longer. But leaving it to the rain isn’t ideal, as a study conducted found that Solar Panel Cleaning in Sunshine Coast the panels by hand, rather than letting them wash naturally, improved system efficiency by 12%. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that dirt, dust and debris from the environment play an important role in the bottom line.

In all honesty, cleaning a solar panel isn’t much different from wiping the regular windows of your home. Luckily, it’s not a time-consuming task either. As a rule, a photovoltaic system needs cleaning by the property manager or installation company about twice a year. However, smaller modules may require quarterly baths, and all components are generally more exposed to contamination in colder climates and drier ecosystems. Get in touch with Exterior Clean Qld for a reliable and professional Solar panel cleaning services at your convenience and budget friendly manner.